Gryla, Leppaludi, and the Yule Lads

In episode 54 of the Vlog, Adele challenges Rochester’s knowledge and asks him if he knows the story in Icelandic folklore of the 13 centaurs and two trolls who went around at Christmastime and devoured bad or misbehaving children. I was amazed to find this this folk tale does exist although Adele got some of the facts confused.

This folktale was first mentioned in the 13th century in a compilation of Norse mythology called the Prose Edda. No specific connection to Christmas was mentioned until the 17th century. The tale is about two trolls, Gryla, a giantess with an appetite for mischievous children and her lazy stay-at-home husband Leppaludi. Current-day Gryla can detect children who are misbehaving year-round. During Christmas time, she comes from the mountains to search nearby towns for her meal. She leaves her cave, hunts children, and carries them home in her giant sack. She devours children as her favorite snack. Her favorite dish is a stew of naughty kids for which she has an insatiable appetite. According to legend, there is never a shortage of food for Gryla.

Gryla and her husband live in a cave with their children. 13 of them based on an 18th century poem. They are known as the Yule Lads and they are also a menace to children. They were used to frighten children into good behavior like the bogeyman but now are simply told to be mischievous pranksters who steal from or otherwise harass the population. They come to town one by one during the last 13 nights before Christmas  They leave small gifts in shoes that children have placed on windowsills, but if the child has been disobedient they instead leave a potato in the shoe, emulating the American tradition of coal in a stocking. I found no reference of them  being centaurs as said by Adele to Rochester in Episode 54.


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