Livingstone expedition to East Africa

Photo of David Livingstone1866-73 are the inclusive dates for David Livingstone's expedition into the East African lakes region. The famed missionary explorer David Livingstone entered the Nile sweepstakes to restore his reputation, which had been sullied by the futility of his previous Zambezi expedition. He was determined to prove that the Nile originated from the string of lakes further south. His death on the shores of Lake Bangweulu left his theory unconfirmed. Image: Photograph of Stanley Livingstone by Thomas Annan. This image is in the public domain in the United States because its copyright has expired. Note that the exact month of the beginning and end of this expedition is difficult to determine.


Matthew Rubery, "On Henry Morton Stanley’s Search for Dr. Livingstone, 1871-72"

Dane Kennedy, "The Search for the Nile"

Associated Place(s)

Event date:

1866 to 187

Event Source: