Rick Castro
Rick Castro's I Give Good Foot


Castro, Rick. I Give Good Foot. 1991. https://www.blind-magazine.com/news/rick-castros-journey-to-become-the-king-of-fetish/ Accessed 15 April 2024. 

Mapplethorpe, Robert. Jim and Tom, Sausalito. 1977. https://www.getty.edu/art/collection/object/109FVX. Accessed 15 April 2024.

Castro, Rick. Solid Backbone. 2002.

Castro, Rick. Christian Dior Homme. 2002.

Castro, Rick. Cuffs. 1990.

Mapplethorpe, Robert. Brian Ridley and Lyle Heeter. 1979. National Galleries of Scotland. https://www.tate.org.uk/tate-etc/issue-40-summer-2017/details-robert-mapplethorpe-brian-ridley-lyle-heeter-1979-lucy-beech-edward-thomasson. Accessed 24 April 2024.

Associated Place(s)


  • Multiple Artists

Image Date: 

20th century