Created by Ciniya Croskey on Wed, 11/17/2021 - 16:14
This painting was created by Dante Gabriel Rossetti showimg a feeble woman laying against a will seeming to give herself to her ex lover. This painting is a visualization of prostitution during the 1800's. Another viewpoint of this painting is a woman who seems to be fighting off a man, but she seems as if she is weak. As you pay close attention to the details you will see how she has a cape to cover her head and dress that goes down to her ankles. During the Victorian era women were often seen as the “Angel in the House”. According to the Victorian poets’ women were expected to be conserved. They were expected to be innocent and helpless by any means. Victorian women were expected to feed the family, stay in the house, not find a job, clean, and support their husband with everything. With either having to choose a life of being a stay-at-home wife some women often decided to fall into prostitution. This led to the name “fallen women”. These fallen women often faced consequences like early death of diseases. As seen in this painting the women seems as if she if pale. This shows the life that is draining out of her when she falls into prostitution. This example of an "Angel in the House" and "Fallen Women" can be seen in a poem called Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti. In this poem Christina shows us how women were treated during the Victorian Era. In this poem Laura was called into prostitution by the Goblins that "seemed" friendly. After she fell for them and ate the fruit(sex) now has a strong desire for sex and because of that she is not able to complete household things and loses her chances of becoming a successful wife or mother (the goal of women during the Victorian Era). Lizzie could not stand to see her sister like this, so she went to try to save her. While doing so was beaten, taunted, had her clothes torn, etc.
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- Dante Gabriel Rossetti